Make This Holiday Season Your Best Yet with Google Ads

Do you remember what advertising was like before Google and pay per click? Remember back when you took out an ad, crossed your fingers and hoped to get a few calls and orders? In those days, you never knew how well it was really working and when you tracked it, you found that you perhaps broke even at best – but at least you got a new customer, so it felt like a success!

Then Google changed everything!

One of the biggest problems in the floral industry is that everyone wants to stay in the past and talk doom and gloom. What do I mean? Even though you can see Google is one of the first advertisers and platforms where people can actually make money form an investment, it's still never enough. Now people complain that it may cost $20 to acquire a customer. Really?

Think about it, where did you ever see those kinds of results before Google? You didn’t see it with Yellow Pages, you didn’t see it with newspapers or any other form of advertising either. You never made money, you got exposure and with that you got a few orders.

Google trades for over $1,000 a share for a reason – it works! Those who understand how it works typically don't share much. I have taught many people how it works but very few understand the system or what is needed to be done in order to make it the best it can be.

Marketing with Google is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It takes some care and persistence and needs to be customized and refined for each and every client in order to be effective. Unfortunately, in today’s world of instant gratification where everything needs to be “plug and play,” most people simply won’t take the time to try to understand how it works – even if the results speak for themselves.

No more excuses!

If you are not making money on Google or creating the results you desire, then you probably didn't set your expectations correctly. In order to do that, you need to go back and define your goals. Some shop owners want more traffic, others want sales -everyone needs something - understanding that early on is extremely important.

If you’re not sure where to start – never fear! Bloomerang Solutions is here to provide custom Google Ads campaigns for your shop that will set you apart from your competition. Call us today or drop us a line here to set up a free consultation to get you ready for the best holiday season of your career!