Whatever product or service you offer, the value is innate - but trust in your brand is not. To become the go-to-guy for your service requires you to follow through with everything. Complete the work and take the time to walk the client through what has been done and how you succeeded in each goal that was outlined.
Creating a viable method of measuring success with your service and reporting that success to your client is invaluable to creating the foundations of trust and the best prize of all - brand loyalty.
Here’s the thing - your clients will talk about you. What do you want them to say? If you don’t show your value, your customers will still share with each other, which takes control away from you. Did you know that 61% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase decision, and they are now essential for e-commerce sites?
Be accessible
On the top of reviews, do you have a way to survey your audience? Being accessible is absolutely necessary to your brand, as responding to public inquiry in the voice of your brand is paramount.
If you aren’t part of the conversation, that doesn’t mean the conversation isn’t happening. Reputation management still skirts the line between digital and traditional marketing and affects purchasing interest of your client. Reputation Intelligence is a great way to keep on top of all conversations about your brand online, as well as helps to keep your information consistent across all search engines.
Be sure to have a dedicated person or team trained to answer questions, complaints, or compliments in an approved way. Make sure the information for your point of contact is highly visible. Keeping your social media accounts as up-to-date and managed is one of the primary tools of keeping an open line of communication with your audience.
Keep it consistent
Recognizable branding helps your audience identify you as a trusted source of information. Disjointed and inconsistent marketing materials scream impulsive and unreliable leadership, and by extension, service.
Color, logo, website, social media - all are invaluable to your brand and their connection to each other is imperative. It goes much further than simple aesthetics though, it extends to your voice and how you can be expected to react.
Confused about how to keep it all in line? Think about how you want your customer to react to your brand, and how they perceive you. Question yourself like:
• What do you want them to see: do you want your client to see a color and think of your brand? What is that color? Is that color consistently shown through your marketing materials, digital or otherwise?
• What do you want them to read: your content is an extension of your authority and thought-leadership. Is it tailored to your primary audience, and are you opening the ground to continue the conversation? Additionally, consistently are you reaching out to your audience, through blogs, social posts, or otherwise?
• What do you want them to feel: this becomes the culmination of what they see and read about your brand. Are you showing yourself as the best option for your audience?
Building the quality of trust comes not just from your services, but how you present yourself as well. The days of focusing purely on the client are gone by the wayside, and your presentation of yourself is as important as your work.
Do you need help building your brand? Bloomerang Solutions can help! From reputation management to websites and social media, we're here to make you look you best. Give us a call today at (941) 806-1911 or drop us a line here to find out what we can do to make your business bloom!