How to Handle Customer Complaints

We always strive for perfection but sometimes mistakes happen. When they do, you need to have a plan in place to deal with any issues that may arise. With such a high volume of orders and deliveries in such a short time period, even the most careful planning and execution won’t guarantee that every customer will be happy. So what do you do when customers call to complain?

1) Addressing and understanding the concerns is the first step

The biggest mistake you can make is preparing a solution before getting on the phone. In many cases, you don’t know what the customer expects as far as a resolution, so offering them a refund or discount may not be appropriate and could make the situation worse. Instead, listen to their complaint and ask them what they think a fair resolution would be and go from there. If you can meet what their expectations are, they’re going to feel a lot better getting off the phone.

2) Keep in mind that holidays can get hectic and emotions can run hot

Holidays are meant to be joyous occasions spent celebrating with loved ones but everyone's level of holiday cheer - or lack thereof - is a bit different. For some, holiday shopping and decorating can be more of a stressful chore than a pleasurable experience. That doesn't excuse bad attitudes or Grinch-like behavior but it is important to be sensitive and understanding, even when your customers are not. Some customers may even take it to the extreme and elevate an already uncomfortable circumstance. Be prepared if this happens and do what you can to diffuse the situation so cooler heads can prevail.

3) It’s all about the closing and how you end the incident that happened

If a customer does not ask for anything, now is your chance to exceed their expectations. You could offer to send the recipient a note stating it was your shop’s fault and letting the customer know your name and that you will personally assist them next time they call. You have the opportunity to earn more customers off of complaints than you ever do off of compliments. It’s how you approach that complaint and what you do with it. Remember, they’re already upset, you can only make it better – it probably can’t get much worse.

If you would like help with customer service techniques, Bloomerang Solutions is here for you! From digital solutions to in-store sales and marketing assistance, Bloomerang is your friend in the floral business! Give us a call at 941-806-1911 or drop us a line below and let us know how we can help your business bloom!