Attention BloomNation customers: Do you really know where your customers are going?

Dear Friends,

If your flower shop has a BloomNation website, you need to pay close attention to where your customers are going when they try to view  your hard-earned reviews on your site. Take a look for yourself by checking your own site. You can see how by clicking on the video below.


They are doing this to everyone, it doesn't matter if your shop is big or small. Why drive customers away from your website? They likely won't be coming back, even if they wanted to, because BloomNation makes it confusing and difficult to do so. They won't even let you show your own Google reviews on your own site!

It's time to take back control of your marketing and work for yourself instead of sharing your profits. If this is happening to you, please call me because I can help. Call me anytime day or night on my cell at (941) 544-5000 and I will help you regain control of your digital marketing.
